In 2023, “Uni-Kick”, a young Japanese male (23), travelled from Melbourne to Cairns by “Kick Scooter”.
He met many people along the way and received lots of support.
His journey gave encouragement and inspiration to many people and himself.
Eight months after returning to Japan, “Uni-Kick” has returned to Australia in January 2024.
This new adventure has two purposes.
One is to visit the people who supported Uni-Kick on his last journey, and he would like to express his gratitude and thanks to them.
The other is to fulfill the dream of an 87-year-old man who he met in Mission Beach on his last trip. His dream is to go around Australia in a caravan however his family was worried of his age to travel on his own so Uni-Kick hand up to support to travel this time with Daddy (Nickname).
The Australia Japan Society in FNQ, a Cairns community volunteer group, organized the welcome event for the Uni-Kick arrival to Cairns in 2023.
The AJS Far North Queensland arranged another warm welcome for UNI-KICK, held at the Mini Car Rental property on Sunday 28th January.
Uni Kick spoke about the earthquake disaster in January in Noto Peninsula Ishikawa – his home base in Japan.
AJS FNQ Fundraising for Nota Peninsula Earthquake Disaster
On this trip, he expressed his wish to do fundraise for the people of the Noto Peninsula, the disaster-stricken area.
To support his wish, the AJS Far North Queensland has set up a fundraising account.
If you would like to donate to help people in Japan through Uni-Kick Fundraising, please send your contribution to this account.
Please donate to:
Australia Japan Society Far North Queensland
Westpac Bank / BSB 034-167 / Account 420731